Friday, February 11, 2011

Elizabeth Gilbert Stopped By for a Chat...

Elizabeth Gilbert is on her book tour promoting the memoir, Committed, which was just released in paperback.  This week, her visit to Durham was sponsored by the Regulator Bookstore. This past Monday evening, I was part of the audience at the Durham Armory listening to Ms. Gilbert read from her book and engage in discussions with a Q&A.

Until fairly recently, I had been unaware of just what her most recognized book, Eat, Pray, Lovewas all about. I tend to make it a point not to read anything that has been, or looks like it could have been, on the Oprah Booklist. This probably sounds like I'm a book snob...but not so.  I really enjoy reading both contemporary literature as well as the lighter "chick-lit" fair. I've read several Oprah books and found a certain sameness with undertones of melodrama.  For me, Oprah's book choice formula became "Oprah cliche".  I honestly do not know if Eat, Pray, Love is on Oprah's list, but when I saw the title it sounded very Oprahesque, so I didn't risk it.

I have to admit here, I still haven't read that book...though I did see the movie. Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem are both beautiful and I couldn't resist. For the most part, I enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed seeing the connection between Julia and Javier and the beautiful landscape they inhabited.  Though I must say I grew impatient with Julia's anguish before she decided to take that year off to "marvel at something".  

When I decided to go to Elizabeth Gilbert's reading I still knew very little about the author or her actual writing.  Curiosity pulled me to the reading.  Let me begin by saying that Ms. Gilbert is utterly enchanting. She read an excerpt from the fourth chapter entitled "Marriage and Infatuation".  Towards the end of her story, I was hooked.  Ms. Gilbert's humor is exactly what my doctor ordered.

I'm sure everyone reading this blog has either read Eat, Pray, Love, or seen the movie, so I don't need to do a spoiler alert here. At the end of the book/movie, Elizabeth/Julia falls in love with Javier Badem (very understandable).  But as both were previously divorced, they planned on living happily, unmarried, ever after.  The sequel, Committed, begins with the US government forcing a decision of either matrimony or exile for the couple.  Technically, only Javier/Felipe would be exiled, but couplehood without actually living in the same country seemed doomed. This new book is about the research and soul searching that Gilbert did as she began to reconcile her fear of marriage with her decision to enter into it with Felipe.

In the chapter that Gilbert read on Monday, she explores the difference in infatuation and the gritty reality of what it takes to be truly committed and why infatuation is not enough for the long haul.  Gilbert's interviews and research seemed to show that the less romanticizing of a relationship the stronger the commitment may be. Caution against romanticizing is not to say there should not be romance.  In fact, Gilbert acknowledges the beginning of her relationship with Felipe was classically romantic.  As she said, "for pity's sake, we met on the tropical island of Bali". During the heady time of early romance with Felipe Gilbert wrote her sister who was back home with kids and a house renovation.  Her sister's response?  "Yeah, I was planning to go to a tropical island this weekend with my Brazilian lover, too...but then there was all this traffic."

Now I'm hooked. I will read this book.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year Y'all!

When I arrived at my desk this morning there was a red envelope with my name on it placed on my computer keyboard. I was immediately happy!~~ Even before opening the unexpected card I was happy.  The card from a colleague and is beautiful with images of rabbits and a wish for a Happy Chinese New Year. How cool was that?  I didn't realize that today was the first day of the Chinese New Year, much less that this is the year of the rabbit. The card made me happy, just having someone share a New Year's Wish--Chinese or otherwise was nice and the card is absolutely lovely.

I thanked my colleague for the card and he was quite gracious and explained a little about his Asian traditions.  For instance:  The Chinese New Year is a seven-day celebration.  This is a time to set the tone for the rest of the year.  Happy and peaceful thoughts are striven for during this celebration to encourage a happy peaceful year.  Sharing wishes of Good Luck to others opens yourself up for lucky blessings as well. Red is the color of luck and cards and gifts are most often given in red envelopes. 

Year of the Rabbit
I was quite charmed to receive a card and found it to be a really uplifting way to start my day.  I feel a little ashamed that I was completely oblivious to the fact that today was the official Chinese New Year.  I think I may have heard references to "Year of the Rabbit" lately, but it did not register.  Tonight I decided to learn a little more about what the "Year of the Rabbit" symbolizes. 

First of all, I found that 2010 was the year of the Tiger.  I also found out that I am the sign of the Tiger.  --So I completely missed out on knowing that 2010 was my year, so to speak.  It may be just as well that I didn't know.  Based on my reading, the Tiger year of 2010 is characterized as being "ferocious". Other adjectives used include: Dramatic, Torrid and Tumultuous.  One writer said there was hard work and "over-the-top passionate adventures". This will be countered with the Year of the Rabbit of 2011.  The Rabbit is described as being calm and peaceful.  The way to make the most of the Rabbit Year is to relax and go with it.  Don't push too hard...even if pushing typically works for you, it's recommended that this year you try to just "roll with it".  

Tiger Predictions
Curious what I missed by not knowing what 2010 had in store for me as a Tiger, I found an article written with the predictions for what Tigers could expect for 2010. (The article was published before the 2010 Chinese New Year began.)  Here is a glimpse of what was predicted:  Tigers were expected to see fun activities throughout all of 2010 with an especially active, entertaining social calendar in August and December spilling into January of 2011. The Spring of 2010 was to bring encouraging and interesting job opportunities, with the caveat that the Tiger would still have to push forward at work.

I must say that I don't typically allow myself a horoscope reading.  I am of the Christian faith and I can't help but associate astrology and horoscopes with the occult which is forbidden.  On the other hand, I want to have a balanced view. To some extent, I don't want to read a horoscope because I don't want to be influenced and either consciously or unconsciously allow a horoscope to become self-fulfilling due to powers of suggestion.  On the other-other hand, I actually believe that most horoscopes are written for entertainment value only.  I mean how can the entire populous born in my birth month have the exact same future?   

Year of the Tiger
I figured that in the interest of science I should review a previous prediction AFTER the time has elapsed to see if it was on target.  Since I didn't read the prediction until today, there was no chance that I was pre-influenced by the suggestions.  So how did the Tiger predictions fair?  First of all, the Tiger's year of the Tiger written in future tense had the elements of excitement and high energy with very positive tones.  Interestingly, the Year of the Tiger written from a historical perspective was written as being hectic and stormy.  It's as though the year were an overstimulated toddler.  --It starts out new and exciting and ends with a temper tantrum. 

I will say that my 2010 experience was exciting in very positive ways.  My husband and I decided last February to move our family from Seattle to NC (the town I grew up in).  --We lived in the Seattle area for 7 years and we were quite happy with many aspects of the life we built there.  But, we were missing opportunities to spend time with our family.  In June I was hired in a job that still excites me. We bought a house that we are making our own and it becomes more "us" every day.  I've really enjoyed the time spent with Dad and Mamacita as well as Sissies and Cousins.  --Not to mention friends I've had since high school and one very special friend that was raising two young daughters at the same time that I was raising my one young daughter.  I've been braver than I've ever been, trying new adventures and loving them such as canoeing, kayaking, zip lining and hiking in Mount Rainier.

For me, 2010 was a Tiger Year!  Looking forward to seeing what a Rabbit future holds.  So, I say Happy Chinese New Year...Y'all!