Sunday, April 23, 2017

Nothing Says Spring Like Baby Goats

Springtime is baby time at a farm. Mamacita has restocked her farm with cows and is boarding horses as well. It is her happy place. She also decided to get a few goats. They are supposed to eat the overgrown shrubs. Not sure how that part is going. 

Sadly, one of the mother goats had complications and was not able to nurse her babies. This meant the babies had to be bottle fed. To make it easier to feed the twins Dad brought them home to his backyard. 

These little guys are so cute. As you can see...they make Dad very happy. --He won't admit to this, but they wiggled their way right into his heart. 

These goats are too cute with their little bleats and their little horns. Watching them run and jump is so fun. I believe it is impossible to be cranky after watching these little guys jumping and running.

We went over to Dad's several times to play with these cute guys. But farm animals need to be on a farm (according to Dad). So when they weaned they went back to the farm with all of their goat friends.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Our Alzheimer's Journey ~ 4/12/17

Went to his primary care physician yesterday who is very concerned about the speed that Jordan's condition has progressed. He is going to consult with the Neurologist to discuss an updated brain image and potentially another neuro-psych testing. Jordan "escaped" yesterday while I was on the phone with Danielle. I thought he was in the bathroom. When I hung up he was NOWHERE. He went out of the bedroom door.

Today he escaped twice with his caregiver.

Dr. says Jordan cannot be left alone. Even when he is not alone he is hard to keep up with.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sweet Buster Brown

My parents lost their dog in February. He passed over the rainbow bridge. I gave them this dog, a Scottie/Carin terrier mix that I named Buster. It's hard to believe he was ever this little. I remember bathing him in the bathroom sink. 

I got Buster to be part of my family. A dog for D. to grow up with. We had a dog, but who could resist that face? This was when my husband traveled quite a bit for work. Left to my own devices, I got us a puppy. 

I take the credit for house training him and leash training him. I also insisted on a "sit" on command and before any treats or dinner. This little guy was very food motivated. 

He was also stubborn. His training did not come without some standoffs between me and him. I was insistent that he be obedient even without treats. He felt that I was breaking some inherent contract. "Reward with praise? Okay, that's nice," he said, "but where is my treat?" It was a contest of wills. 

While Buster was still a puppy, albeit one with basic training, Dad had triple bypass surgery. He went to the doctor because he hadn't felt well. Long story short, they took him straight to the hospital for heart surgery BEFORE any heart attack occurred.

I didn't realize that heart patients suffer from depression after the event. From what I understand, it's hard to shake. [Here's a link to an AMA article about this.] Dad was no exception. He was hit hard. 

We lived close enough to visit some weekends and we brought Buster up to visit too. Both Kathy and Dad fell in love. 
We decided that Buster could be their dog. This was good for all of us. Buster really thrived with a stronger hand in training (Dad). He also was pampered and spoiled and loved on (Kathy) more than any dog I know. 

Dad spent his days building hurdles for a homemade agility course in the backyard. Buster loved to run (when he was young) and jumping a hurdle was added fun for him. Every time we visited Dad and Buster had a new trick. When I visited, my Dad would say, "Speak to Buster", before he would let me do anything else. 

It was fun to watch Buster work his magic on both parents. They went from "No Dog!" to "Not in the House" to "He sleeps in his kennel". 

I supported the kennel thing. I had crate trained him and he was too young to be completely reliable out on his own. Slowly, Buster was allowed on the furniture! He got his own space on the couch with a blanket and stairs and everything! 

I know my parents miss him. That's the hardest part about loving someone.