Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sometimes a House Needs a Pet to be Home

Just a quick hello. I've been exploring things that make a house feel like home. It's kind of a fun thing. Back in the day when we were house shopping, we enjoyed seeing the furnished models for new housing developments. A ton of ideas can be found there.

There are several houses that have come on the market in my area. I drove by one and

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year! And Happy Blogiversary to me. So, I'm happy to say that I have a Bogiversary this year. You may remember that I shut the blog down for a while in May. I think that was a good thing for me to do at the time. You may know that I have struggled with extreme fatigue and it was beginning to be debilitating. I found that I really had to rest in all my spare time and there was nothing interesting to say. Plus I barely had the energy to read, much less write.