If you are following my blog please don't leave me...there were posts that appeared and then disappeared over the last two days...I know this. I've been obsessed with all things blog lately. I've been desperately trying to figure out how to get my blog to look the way I want it. There's this whole HTML thing going on behind the scenes that I'm trying to master. And, frankly, it's kicking my a$$.

My daughter has a blog and I'm really liking how she has made hers look. She was good enough to come to my house yesterday and teach me some of the design tricks she has learned. (Forever grateful.) I spent the rest of the afternoon trying out new things on my blog.
Last night I discovered Microsoft Word has a word template called "Blog Post". So...I spent the time configuring Word to work with Blogger. My thought is/was to be able to type my posts in Word, along with images, and then upload straight from Word. It only partially worked. It uploaded the text but none of the images. --Which is pretty much useless to me. The whole point for me was to be able to do some funky things with my images that are too difficult for me to do in Blogger itself.
Then I found if I downloaded a program from Blogger to work with Word that it will all be so easy. Again...wrong. It's all about the images. They don't seem to want to come into this blog unless I'm in the blogger. So many hours of frustration have ensued.
I just simply need to learn HTML. That's all there is to it.
I want to be able to share images and I want them to to "stay" where I put it.
My Sissy just offered to let me borrow a book and let me read it before she does. That is so generous. It's the new book by Liane Moriarty.
The first Liane Moriarty book I read was Three Wishes and I LOVED it! It is about Triplets on their 34th Birthday (and the year that led up to it. The sisters are in a nice restaurant celebrating their shared birthday when they have a sister fight. One that ends with the pregnant sister getting a fondue fork in her belly. (But not in a sinister, murderous, kind of way. More like in a sisterly, "I'm really mad at you", kind of way.) Needless to say, this one had me at "hello", ahem, "fork in belly". Who needs Jersey Shore when you can read such a fun read?
After I devoured Three Wishes, I shared it with my Sissy. --The youngest one. That's right, while we aren't triplets, we are three sisters that are very close in age. My Sissy and I have a very similar sense of humor and she loved the book too.
Moriarity's second book...I loved, NOT AT ALL. And, I'm a little scared now. How can one book be so screechingly funny that I can't wait for more...and the next be so painful that I can't imagine it is the same writer?
Sissy is in the middle of a new mystery, so I don't know when she'll read this new book by Liane Moriarty. I'm hoping to get her take on it first.
I recently finished reading the last of Jen Lancaster's memoirs. LOVED THEM ALL. But most especially loved SUCH A PRETTY FAT.
Now I'm reading Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. I'm about a third of the way through...and I'm not sure I will be able to stop myself from jumping to the last chapter to verify that it gets better. --I do that sometimes...if a book is starting to teeter on the "suck-a-meter", then I will jump to the end to see if it sounds like it got better. If it does, then, typically I read backwards. Really...what I do is read the last chapter. If I sort of liked it, or was intrigued enough to know how the characters "got there" then I read the next to the last chapter...and so on. I'm hoping not to have to go there with this one.
I consider myself an avid reader, but I decided long ago that life is too short to read a book beyond the "it could get good" stage.
I remember the first time I dared not actually read a book was in 9th grade. The book was...David Copperfield. I'd read Oliver Twist the year before and was surprised that I liked it. But Copperfield? I tried it for like three chapters and then decided if I couldn't pass with Cliff Notes then I just wouldn't pass.
Well..that's what I'm thinking about tonight as I try to wind down the weekend. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Great post! The "suck-a-meter" reference made me laugh out loud! I found the fondue fork in her belly story a little upsetting, but it certainly got my attention. And I love the "dare to not read a book" story. This is the Kimberly I know and love!