If you live in the Triangle Area of NC you should check out the Painting Studio called "Artistic Abandon". What a great name! They are said to have the Best Wine and Painting Parties in Raleigh. You bring the wine (and munchies if you want) and they provide the rest: Canvas, Paint, Brushes, Aprons and amazing instruction. --Of course, wine and munchies are completely optional.
The website information is here: Artistic Abandon. They also have a Facebook Page.
Let's play a game: Below are two paintings from this weekend's painting excursion. See if you can tell which one is mine and which one was painted by my daughter. (Answer is at the end. --Though my discussion of our painting styles may give you all the clues you need.)
I sat beside my daughter and, although the teacher said several times "this is not a competition", I was completely intimidated by my daughter's talent. She has such a steady hand and is able to precisely draw and paint. Her flowers were so much more the look I was striving for. Even though I love precision in paintings, I have not been able to train myself to achieve this. So while my daughter and I were both following the exact same instructions, my piece looks much more impressionistic.
I think it's cool to see how two people can paint the exact same thing and have different results. I know that art is like that...everyone is influenced by a different point of view. This exercise helped me see that it's not only an artist's point of view that differentiates their work. We can each see the same thing a little differently. In addition, we each have a unique way of expressing ourselves. So, even if we saw it the same way, our depiction of that "thing" will have another nuanced difference.
Below is the answer to the game above:
We've all heard that point of view is shaped by our experiences. But I don't remember hearing much about the artist's representation of that point of view. My weekend painting experience helped crystallize for me that the artist's "expression" may not reflect the essence of what they were trying to create. For me, it's most likely lack of training and practice that results in a painting that is much more impressionistic than I intended.

Here is a snapshot of how my painting was accomplished:
I had a great time. And I'm pleased with my first attempt at putting a paintbrush to canvas. I've already signed up for another class/party. There are a few paintings that I'm dying to do!
And, oh....since I will be spending a lot of time at the Art Studio, friends and family shouldn't be surprised if they receive an original work of art from Yours Truly for Christmas. --Then again, I may become too attached to give them up.
I took several painting courses a few years ago. I liked it but i didn't love it...so i gave it up.