Saturday, May 4, 2013

Just a Girl Stuff Post

I have sort of a confession. We really need to keep this between us girls. 

(Hubby...if you are reading you won't be interested in this one. Promise. Just girl talk.) 

Okay, I'm pretty sure he's not reading.

Confession: OMG I am hooked on shopping online. I may have to go into rehab. I'm especially in love with KOHL's. (No related sponsorship or anything... just love Kohl's.)

So, it all started on Cyber Monday. On said Cyber Monday, I got an amazing blazer from Ann Taylor that fit perfectly...and I know for a fact I would not have found my size in the actual store. AND I got some really cute sweaters from JCP. I've tried JCP online several times after my successful Cyber Monday but have been disappointed.

So, Coldwater Creek, Ann Taylor AND Kohl's all send me email. They actually send me email Every. Single. Day. These emails always say something like: "Last Chance", or "Take an Additional % Off", or "Today Only". OMG I can barely resist clicking over to see what I'm missing. What I can tell you is I pretty easily resist Coldwater Creek and Ann Taylor. Their prices are not in my typical "ahhhhhh that's so worth it" bracket.

But Kohl's? They are my new sweet tea. Look at this very cool dress. Yep, it came in my mailbox! I LOVE IT!
There is nothing like being able to shop without being in the store. There is nothing like buying something and then having it come a few days later...almost like Christmas.

I've told you I have a new job. The new job does not have "business casual" attire, so needless to say I've needed to build up my wardrobe a bit. That's my excuse. But soon I'll need to stop.

Hope you are having a great weekend.


  1. Beautiful dress - it looks great on you! I love online shopping, too. But alas, I cannot at this time. *Sigh.

  2. You look wonderful in that dress. Congratulations on the new job.

  3. That dress is gorgeous and it fits your perfectly! I love online shopping too, but I always manage to stuff up when it comes to clothes. I never manage to get the right size!

    x Jasmine


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