So...after you read my blog post(s), you may want to check out the blogs of my colleagues. I can tell you is that I have read each of the blogs of my followers and I am hooked. The only downside I can see about the campaign is that now I have even more really good bloggers that are grabbing my attention. Which is not really a downside. I find myself wanting to read not just the most recent post(s) but as many previous posts as I can read in a single sitting. Yeah, like I said, I'm hooked.
In addition to finding pure enjoyment in these new blogs, I'm following, I'm finding new sparks of inspiration. I read a blog and I'm like: "Yeah! I get that!" And I want to go home and write.
So, today, I'm giving a shout out to Megan of the blog: Paws Fangs and Smiles. Specifically, the first post of hers I read was: "Where Do You Write?". The blog had a photo of a really cool desk. A really cool desk (go take a peek and come right back). Anyway, it got me thinking...where do "we" (the royal "we") write? I've written in many places...and I will mention them as we go on. But I find that I find it fascinating to see where others write.
A while back I stumbled upon this post: "Where I Write" by Nova Ren Suma. This post stuck with me. It moved me somehow. I ran across the post earlier this year and thought: "Cool. I'd like to write there". Then several months later, I had a vague memory of a post I'd read about an NYC writer's loft. I wanted to read it again. --I wanted to imagine myself there. I needed the visual to get back to what I imagine to be my zen place. I did not immediately remember where I had seen this. After several days (yeah, days) of wracking my brain and combing my Internet history logs, I started to think I would not find it. I became possessed to find the blog. Well...my work to find and bookmark this blog is a gift I give to you.
Since Nova wrote this particular post, she's written several others that are about different places that she's written. I'd love to visit every one of those places. You'll see that Nova has published several YA novels. They are now on my list of books to read.
Coincidentally, on Sunday, another of my new blogger friends, Kimberly Zook of Zook Book Nook, was also thinking about where writers write. Her post "Writer-Mamas Favorite Places" also resonated with me. I especially like her photos of where she writes. With several photos, I was like..."Huh...I do that too".
So, today, I'm giving a shout out to Megan of the blog: Paws Fangs and Smiles. Specifically, the first post of hers I read was: "Where Do You Write?". The blog had a photo of a really cool desk. A really cool desk (go take a peek and come right back). Anyway, it got me thinking...where do "we" (the royal "we") write? I've written in many places...and I will mention them as we go on. But I find that I find it fascinating to see where others write.
A while back I stumbled upon this post: "Where I Write" by Nova Ren Suma. This post stuck with me. It moved me somehow. I ran across the post earlier this year and thought: "Cool. I'd like to write there". Then several months later, I had a vague memory of a post I'd read about an NYC writer's loft. I wanted to read it again. --I wanted to imagine myself there. I needed the visual to get back to what I imagine to be my zen place. I did not immediately remember where I had seen this. After several days (yeah, days) of wracking my brain and combing my Internet history logs, I started to think I would not find it. I became possessed to find the blog. Well...my work to find and bookmark this blog is a gift I give to you.
Since Nova wrote this particular post, she's written several others that are about different places that she's written. I'd love to visit every one of those places. You'll see that Nova has published several YA novels. They are now on my list of books to read.
Coincidentally, on Sunday, another of my new blogger friends, Kimberly Zook of Zook Book Nook, was also thinking about where writers write. Her post "Writer-Mamas Favorite Places" also resonated with me. I especially like her photos of where she writes. With several photos, I was like..."Huh...I do that too".
This post is longer than I planned and I still have so much I want to say. Like, I want to tell you about my visit to Margaret Mitchell's house. I saw the desk and the typewriter where she wrote Gone With The Wind. --Actually, the furniture and the typewriter may be replicas (I can't remember), but the house and the window...all real.
[They did not allow us to photograph....so I have to use photos from the Margaret Mitchell House Museum site.]
And, of course, I can't resist a photo of Carrie Bradshaw sitting at her window...writing at night. (Or is she really reading blogs?). I really get that though. Writing at night. My muse strikes and doesn't let go until 1:00 a.m. many nights. 

Anyway, I've put some labels on the photo of some items we actually owned. Some of the items are making a come back as "Retro", which goes to show: I was cool before cool was retro.