Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast and Fotos

See what I did there in the title? A little alliteration. This year the Thanksgiving festivities were at my daughter's house. She had the turkey and the ham with all the fixins'! And it was way yummy.

In my last post, I shared some of my blessings that I'm thankful for. In this post, I'll share some photos to go along with them. Oh, and I totally forgot to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING on my last post! I hope all had a great time with family and loved ones. And, as Ellen DeGeneres tweeted the other day, hopefully, a few of those people overlap.

And, last but not least (or maybe least):  Check out those slippers!

The bottom of each shoe says something different.  One says "Very" and the other one says "Merry".

I think someone is getting into the Holiday Spirit!


  1. Your Thanksgiving looks like it was a blast! Your dog is adorable!!

  2. Tday was fun. It was my dtr's first time hosting a holiday gathering. She and her hubby did a great job. The doggie in this post is dtr's. He's a Japanese Chin named Winston. We had Winston when dtr was a teenager and still living with us. She took him when she moved out on her own a few years back. He is perfect for her. He lets her just do anything. He's so mellow. :)


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