Friday, June 8, 2012

Jacob says "Let's Go"

The Hubster and Jacob {our adorable poodle} are best buds! Jacob loves to hang out with Hubs, no matter what Hubs is doing.  Favorite thing?  Riding in the car.  Jacob likes to go places. Here's the funny thing, it's not just that he doesn't want to be left behind.  Though, Jacob definitely does not like getting left behind.

Jacob actually just wants to go for a ride. --Even if Hubs and I weren't planning on going anywhere.  Saturday mornings are especially funny.  If Hubs and I hang out "too long" in our PJs, making zero effort to get dressed to go out then Jacob comes running in our room barking at us.  It's like there's a quiet alarm in his head that says "Time to go".  Once that alarm goes off nothing will appease him but a ride in the car.

During the week, when I'm getting ready for work when I'm almost finished getting dressed, Jacob comes running in the room barking and then goes running to the Hub's office to round us both up.  He barks to tell us it's time to go and begins to run up and down the stairs to help us understand that we are supposed to follow him.

When Jacob begins his "Hurry Up!  This way!" routine, Hubs and I like to break out our Lassie references.  We say things like: "What is it, boy?"  "Who's in the well?"  "Is Jimmy in the well again?"

Who is training who? {whom?}  Right?  He's lucky he's cute!


  1. He's so cute! I love poodles.

  2. Haha that's too funny! Baxter loves to ride in the car too. I take him pretty much everywhere I go!

    1. I love a dog that travels well! :) We've enjoyed taking Jacob so many places.

  3. Very cute! Our chihuahua does the same thing to wake us up. He's the best alarm clock around.

    1. That is so cool that you puppy is an alarm clock. What's funny about Jacob is that he will totally sleep in with us. It's only when we are up that he decides he wants to go out and do things. :) There's nothing better than a dog. :)

  4. Jacob is a standard, right? They are so smart, empathetic, just all around great dogs. We have 3 (yes, we should have our heads examined); there's no question who rules here. Lucy, the oldest, came from Poodle Rescue--highly recommend, they are awesome folks who love these dogs and place very carefully--and she LOVES the car, Apollo is next, he whines in the car, loves walks, and Wynonna, the baby, loves everything. Jacob looks a lot like our first pup, Prancer, whom we got 21 years ago. We've had at least 2 at all times since, lol. If you want to check out our pups, go to They get a fair share of blog space!

    1. Hi Janet, Jacob is actually a Miniature. He's kind of a tall one. We had a beautiful Standard, named Simon. Sadly, Simon died. He left big shoes to fill. It took a while for us to find Jacob...Jacob is very much like his brother Simon, just in a smaller package.

  5. This post is FABULOUS! I think its my favorite of all your post so far... and that might be because Jacob is my alltime favorite poodle! He has so much personality, not only do I love when he trys to round people up, or that he barks if people are standing too long (thinking they're going somewhere), but I LOVE when its late at night and he knows its bedtime and he just gets up, walks over to the stairs, takes one look back to see if your following, then proceeds upstairs to "go to bed"! It does often seem like dogs are the "true" trainers in the family! I think a life without dogs is almost not worth living! Dogs are truly a (wo)man's best friend! :)

  6. Hi I'm new here, My name is Noel. Your Jacob is super cute. I do a Letters To My Pets link up once a month if you are interested in meeting other animal lovers out there. I would love for you to link this and join in on the fun.

    I look forward to reading more here in the future. Happy to be your newest follower ;)

    1. Hi Noel. Thanks so much for coming by and the follow. And thanks for letting me know about your hop. I just checked it out and it is too fun!

  7. Hi Y'all,

    Somehow that bark routine has never worked for me. I bark things stop. :(

    How y'all doin'? Just hoppin' by to see what y'all are doing. Hope y'all are enjoying a fantastic week.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks for coming by. :) I've enjoyed your blog.

  8. Jacob looks and sounds so like my late "Sassybelle". She was mine .. until she met mys hubs. I then took close 2nd place. Yes ahe barked orders but it was"Come to bed". When hubs died the life whent out of her, she spent her days looking for him and greaving. I so miss them both .. no onw to "order me to bed and no one to sleep with. Thanks for sharing Jacob with us.

    1. Thank you for coming by and sharing about Sassybelle. I'm so sorry about both of your losses. I know Sassybelle had to be a lot of fun.


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