Monday, August 20, 2012


I learn so many things from fellow bloggers. One thing I find is that I have to watch my desire to buy the new rad for instance so many people are sporting this necklace in the blogosphere:

Sold by: Cheerfully Charmed

You should check out the site to see pics of models wearing this. It will give you an idea of scale.
I have to realize I cannot pull off this necklace. 
I need to stop thinking about it. I think it would hang down to my belly button. But it looks so good on others. The weird thing is that I haven't seen anyone in person with the necklace...only people I know in the blogosphere. 

So, anyway, I have to be sure that I balance my appreciation of how cute something looks on others without allowing my brain to turn into that ugly creature in The Lord of the Rings.  {My precious.} (Side note: I didn't see this movie because the trailer scared me.)

Anyway, I digress. Back to my point. I heard about Smash Books somewhere in Blogland and I'm not completely sure which blog was the first place I saw it. You know how I go over to my Sis's house and paint? Well sometimes I don't paint. Like, the last time I didn't paint. I went to Michael's to get some art supplies and just couldn't get excited about painting that day. But I did see a Smash Book in shocking pink. I LOVE Pink! So...that day, I decided that a Smash Book was a reasonable creative thing to buy and would not break the bank. In fact, it will take me quite a while to "fill". 

Both of my sisters and I enjoy a good glossy magazine (actual paper pages). I know I had too many subscriptions in my past life. Not "too many" because I didn't read them. In fact, I read all of them. But, they were "too many" because I never wanted to purge the old issues. I always had at least one article I wanted to refer back to. 

At some point, my sisters began to trade their magazines with each other. Hubby and I eliminated all my magazine subscriptions and I try not to buy any because we did this whole downsizing thing a few years back and we eliminated our "extra" of which is wonderful, beautiful magazines. 

A few months back I was out of work for almost a week (sick). My lovely husband brought me tea and magazines to comfort me while I recovered. I haven't seen so many wonderful magazines at one time in years. 

What to do? SMASH them. --I said I always have a few articles or pictures I want to refer I took my mags to Sis's house and we both made sure we had read every word that we wanted to. Once read, I got to enjoy those reference articles again as I created snippets and pasted them down in my Smash Book. 

Here are a few of my Smash Pages:

BTW, Smash Book (the company or its parent company) does not know I exist. I have not been compensated to write about their product. I paid for my Pink book with real money (probably not actual cash...but my get what I'm sayin'). So this is not a sponsored post. 

BUT, I want to state for the record: Smash Book:  If you would like me to write a sponsored post for your product please get in touch. I'm sure I can review a few more labels and tape and lots of fun things. The easiest thing would be if you sent a nice box with a sample of everything and I will be able to write several posts of how much fun I can have with your product. {So, just send an email and we can talk}

Some other beautiful people have written about their Smash Books. I want to give them a shout out:
Jessica @ The Thriftiness Miss wrote: "Do you Smash".
CAS @ An Oasis in the Desert wrote: "A "Smashing" Experience".
Miss Angie @ My So Called Chaos wrote: "Are you Smashing?"  (There's a strong chance that this was the blog post that introduced me to Smash Books and helped me recognize them when I was at the store.)  Miss Angie followed up with a Blog Party. I haven't checked out the other posts...but plan to go back to see other ideas.
And, Ricki Jill @ Art @ Home is hosting another party & a Giveaway. I'm SO there!

Other Posts about my love of all things Magazines:

My Life in Magazines
Libraries and Bookstores


  1. :D Thanks for stopping by and getting in on the fun over @ Art @ Home! LOVE the pages you have shared with us so far. We will be having another party after Labor Day, so stay tuned!!!

    I think I want to make my next one {smash journal} about decorating tips I would actually use for all the holidays, and let it take me exactly one year to put together. :D


    1. Your idea of making a journal about holiday decorating is a really cool one.

  2. Thank you, Kimberly, for your nice comments, the "shout out" and for following my blog! I'm now following you, too! I love making new friends! The Smash Books are so much fun, & Michael's has them on sale right now! I just started another one (that would make "3" that I have going at the same time -- I must have been a juggler in another!) that I am using for my scrapbooking/cardmaking inspiration. I'm like you with the magazines. I didn't realize I had so many subscriptions until we moved a year ago & had to do "change of address" on each one. I was getting several Scrapbook mags, so that's why I started the new Smash book -- I'm going through a few back issues each night (while watching T.V.), ripping out things I like & glueing into the Smash book.

    Where in the Puget Sound area do you live, if you don't mind me asking? We lived in Bremerton for about 5 years when The Man & I were first married. The Man worked for the Navy (civilian-side). This was in the early 70's, & Bremerton was a wretched, dreary little town at the time. We haven't been back in ages, so I'm sure it's greatly improved.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm so glad you came to visit. One of the things I didn't write about in the post was how sort of anal I was to make my "layout" pages look right.

      We lived in the Seattle area for 7 years. We actually moved back to my hometown in NC 2 years ago. For 5 years we lived in Redmond. Then we sold our house and rented a apartment overlooking Lake Washington in Kirkland. (So fun). Then we moved to a high rise in Bellevue. --The real estate market had crashed and the apartments were giving good incentives to move. :)

      We sold our house just before the big crash... We would have done better if we had sold a year earlier...but we did better than we would have if we had waited even two more months. :)

  3. I am making my way down thee networking blog hop list! I love your hop! Would love to co-host and help promote! Let me know if you are taking on other bloggers.

    I am already following GFC!

    1. Thx for stopping by. Loved your FB & Twitter hop!!

  4. Ok, now I'm curious about smashing. And, I was just at Michael's a few hours ago. Went to get one little thing and ended up with two huge shopping bags of stuff. I should really know better by now!

    BTW, my daughter's name is Danielle as well - only she's 9!

    I'm visiting after connecting on Twitter and I'm now following you via GFC as well. Hope you get a chance to stop by and say hello. Cheers,

    Renee @

    1. So, did you get a Smash book when you were in Michael s? I just heard Michael s has them on sale. I just went to AJ Moore this last weekend to buy supplies for a new project.

      I love that your daughter has the same name as mine. I think it is such a lovely name. (Not biased at all). :)

    2. It is a lovely name - and no bias here either! lol I saw your post after I went to Michael's - probably a good thing. I had to lug two huge bags of stuff on the bus with my two kids in tow! I'm sure there will be a next time.

  5. You're killing me with the necklace to the belly button thing...haha!! I have a smash book I bought a few months ago, I have yet to dive into that thing and journal yet but I need to, thanks for the reminder!!!


    1. Glad you stopped by. Funny one of my co-workers was wearing this necklace. The color was black, but it's the same necklace. She is a small person. Really tiny & skinny. She totally pulled this necklace off! I'm still trying NOT to want this. :)

  6. Hello! Stopping by from the NY Melrose Family - I love the concept of smashbooks... it's like a hard copy of pinterest :)

    1. So glad you came by. I agree...pinterest and smashbooks are very similar.

  7. Woohoo, so much fun! Thanks for checking it out! :)

  8. Great post! I haven't done a Smash book, but want to. I love magazines too, great idea to save them this way. Found you at Eye Heart Mondays

  9. Smashbooks sure do look like fun. I am trying to decide what I will use one for. I am a little OCD like that. I like the idea of a holiday one or a seasonal one. Hmmm. Thanks for sharing. Following you on Bloglovin'.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by. :) I can see using separate Smashbooks for different reasons. :)


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