Monday, February 11, 2013

Saw a Movie. LOVED IT.

I haven't been to the movies in a pretty long time. I used to go almost every weekend and I definitely saw all of the "good" new releases in the theater. 

The last movie I LOVED was: Hit and Run. I should clarify...the last comedy I loved was Hit and Run. I sure hope you saw it. Just thinking about it makes me giggle.

So, let me digress, I do love movies and I love the big screen. Some of the best movies for the big screen are action/dramas, like The Bourne series, for example.  {Love that series!}

BUT, I've been to a few movies lately that have disappointed. I didn't write about it example of a disappointment is Broken City. Surprising right? I mean the headliners are Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe. I was totally disappointed.

So, as much as I like movies... I also have high expectations. I realize I've ranted on this topic I've decided to create my first official Kimberlyism.

Well, that may be a little long for an actual "ism". But the point is I'm serious about my comedy.
So, long story short, we saw Identity Thief. And it is hi·lar·i·ous !!
Justin Bateman is a great straight man! And Melissa McCarthy is perfect! She is fun, endearing and FEARLESS!

I totally recommend this movie!

Tell me if you see it. I hope you love it.



  1. I can't wait to see this movie! We saw the previews for it and the trailer itself is hilarious!

    1. I hope you like/liked it. :) I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond. I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment too. :)

  2. I want to see it. Maybe this weekend!


    1. If you see it, I hope you like it. I got a note from one of my sisters that said "nah, not her thing". --So now I second guess myself. :)

  3. This movie looks so good. I want to see it. Linking up from the Come On Get Happy blog hop and thanks for linking up at Dedicated 2 Life.

    Irish at Dedicated 2 Life

  4. I am a new blogger and just "linked up" on live laugh rowe. When I went back to see if it posted I accidentally clicked on your link, next to mine, so of course I had to read this post because I have been dying to see this movie. Just wanted to say I love your review and it gives me more motivation to get a baby sitter and see this movie! Thanks!

  5. I just saw this movie Friday and my Hubby and I both just loved it!! We were laughing and the whole plot is just hilarious!!
    Just dropping in from Live Laugh Rowe to meet you and follow you:) (via GFC)

    I would also love to invite you to join Let's Get Social Sunday and link up your blog and all your social sites at one great place to meet some lovely new friends and gain more followers!! (150 bloggers every week:)

    Hope to see you there and have a totally awesome day!!

    1. I'm so glad you liked the movie. One of my sisters sent me a noted telling me that they didn't like it...and then I second guessed myself.

      Thanks so much for stopping in and commenting and letting me know about the Link UP.

  6. I'm looking forward to renting this movie when it comes out - I know exactly what you mean - I HATE HATE HATE when a movie is advertised as a comedy and I go in there and it's all dramatic. Robin Williams is very guilty of this.

    1. I am uber late responding. You are so right about Robin Williams. Twice he tricked me!! Once was he and Jeff Bridges in The Fisher King. Again when I took my daughter to see Patch Adams. I must have known not to see Awakenings. All I'm sayin' is if you are really a tear jerker sob story...don't lie and tell us you are a light hearted comedy! (Maybe that's why I didn't see Awakenings...I think it was clear that it was not a comedy.)
      Thanks so much for coming by and commenting.


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