Wednesday, March 6, 2013

House Stylin'

One of my favorite things is looking at well-styled homes. I think that is one of the things that brought me to blogs. I just love when bloggers share their lovely homes and works in process.

I remember the "old days" when I spent lovely afternoons with glossy magazines on my lap! I would leaf through the luscious photos of the amazing designer rooms. Many of my magazines had dog eared pages for me to return to over and over. You may remember my love of magazines from an earlier post. The magazine love I talked about was more about hairstyles and new fashion looks. --I love that still too! (I get to see this on blogs now too.)

My grandmother used to subscribe to Country Living and sometimes she would buy Better Homes & Gardens. She must have loved getting ideas from these magazines too. I don't think she ever threw them away...which was cool because if you were visiting you could always find a magazine if you wanted one. It's surprising how some decor magazines are somewhat timeless.

When we moved into our current house we set about changing it to our style. It was a big and very fun project. Of course, several things are still "in process". You'll notice that my earliest posts on the blog were often about our house. --It kind of goes hand in hand...blogs and decor. There's something about decor and making a home YOUR home that is more than just color. It's intimate.

My neighbors from across the street are selling their home. They are doing it without a real estate agent. I actually can't imagine trying to sell a home without a real estate agent. But it has to be the "right" agent.

When we sold our house in WA we worked with a realtor that was a great fit for us and our home. He got us. We believe that our realtor choice was key to selling the house in our compressed time frame.

Another thing that absolutely helped us was a professional stager.

We had already moved out of the house. There's a theory, to which I wholeheartedly subscribe, that buyers prefer to see a home with some furniture to give an idea of scale. It may also be that a limited amount of decor provides inspiration and triggers, buyers, imagining their own things in the home.

I thought I'd share some pics of our WA home after it was staged.  

I would share some pics of the house while we lived there...but I can't find any good pics. The staged photos were for the listing...and really, how often do you take pics of your home unless you are blogging? This house was pre-blog for me. 

FYI: If you'd like to learn more about staging, I worked with Maren Harrington of Back Drop Home Staging in Seattle. 

Hope you are having a good week.


  1. I secretly hate seeing pictures of our house in Redmond, beacuse everytime I do it reminds me how much I loved that house and how much I miss it. It truly was a beautiful home. Seattle has a way with house craftman ship that amazes me! I had a lot of memeories in that house... when I look at the kitchen I think of when I locked myself out on the back porch with mac and cheese boiling on the stove top, when i look at the living room I remember sleeping on the couch knocked out from meds from my surgery while you laid on the floor so you could be there to help me when i needed it, when i look at the bonus room I remember having it filled with bird cages with our parrots talking up a storm and throwing their food all over the floor... i could go on and on. At least I will always have my memories. Its bitter sweet really.

  2. I love how large and airy your house looks! I forget that sometimes houses are 'staged' in real estate photos. Sometimes I look at them and wish my house was picture perfect like that, and then I remember that there's a high possibility it's been made to look like that for photographic purposes only :)

    x Jasmine

  3. When I see these awesome pictures, I just wish I have a bigger place :)

  4. Wow, I love those pictures. That looks like a beautiful and very modern home. By the way I found your website on the blog called, "Deaf In The Kitchen". I'm going to grab and paste your button onto my website at Susana the Deaf Lady There are three buttons on the bottom right side of my blog that you or anyone else can pick from and put onto your blog if you want to. I really like this blog.

  5. I was going to grab a button, are they free or do you have to pay 5 dollars from them? Let me know. Thanks.


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