Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Pat's Weekend

I have a friend that is a really good photographer. She is also a good teacher. Do you remember my Waterfalls Photography Vacation?  ~ I will be 2 years(!) in June. Time flies! Anyway, she is the person that organized that trip.

This weekend J. had several of us over to her house to share tips for Pet Photography. J. had some really good tips and shared her doggies to be models for us to try out our new skills.

And so....I'll show you some of my shots:

Great models! Right? And I'm a quick study.

Hope you had a fun St. Pat's & a good Monday.


  1. Hi Kim,

    The pix are gorgeous. I have a question for the black dog, pit or plott. I'm asking because our lab has a mix in him. I'm going to get a dna test for him to know for sure but the vet says plott hound, I say maybe pit...not sure.

    Your black dog has a lot characteristics of my Bear. LOL = )

    Hope you have a great week. Talk to you soon.

    1. Hi Irish,
      This is my friend's dog and he is an Italian Mastiff. I just learned that is also known as a Cane Corso. He is so sweet. I am not sure how closely mastiffs are related to "bully" guess is pretty close.:)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I can not take credit for them. They belong to my friend but I think they would all make amazhing therapy dogs. They were so well behaved and sweet.

  3. Thanks so much. I couldn't believe I was able to get something good on my first day out. My approach was to pick a spot and sit and wait for the dogs to be curious about me.

  4. My favorites are #2, 4, and 5. :) Great job!


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