Thursday, December 31, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
It's Beginning to Look Something Like Christmas
At our house, it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...Montgomery style. I got into the spirit right after I wrote the last post. We did not bring a Christmas tree with us when we moved but I decided that I needed to take advantage of the holiday mood while the mood was fresh. I did not want to wait for a tree. I had mentioned that I wasn't even sure I wanted to get a tree.
I decorated our plant stand as a stand-in for a Christmas tree. Eclectic, I know.
Take a peek at the lovely colorful ornaments. Love them!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
A Little Christmas Yoga Joy
My last yoga class in November was the night before Thanksgiving. It was awesome. One of my favorite teachers led the class, and the class was full. To avoid the potential of kicking our fellow yogis, there were no Flipping of Dogs or Rockstar poses. It was a really cool experience the night before our holiday.
On Thanksgiving, Jordan and I drove down to spend the weekend with our daughter. I didn't go back to work until Tuesday.
Now, as I post this, we have so little time before Christmas and I'm trying to decide how much effort to put into the Christmas Spirit. I love Christmas, truly I do. But, somehow I have not done one thing to make our home look "merry and bright". Oh, I take that back...I have framed a really cool picture of Santa.
Last year was our first Christmas in our new apartment, and we didn't stay in town for the holiday. Instead, we went to our daughter's place for her first Christmas in Wilmington. Because we were going to be out of town, I didn't decorate our house. I waited until we got to Danielle's to take in the cozy decor of the holiday.
Here it is the 5th and there are only 20 days left until the big day.
To get in the spirit (in more ways than one), I went to yoga last night. It was a "special" session not at my regular studio. You may have guessed from the top photo that we did yoga to the music of The Nutcracker.
I did not know what to expect. Our teacher was fun, wearing her pointe ballet shoes. She did a few downward dogs with them while on pointe which was pretty impressive. Our class began and ended with Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite. It was a whimsical practice. I hadn't really spent time with just the music before. Flowing to the music I remembered why I love it. I actually love it more (now) without the visual of a ballet. Last night the music filled me and I didn't want to see someone else's interpretation.
It was a good practice, a full 90 minutes with a sweet Shavasana at the end. I'm proud of myself for actually going. It was not didn't start until 7:00 which meant not getting home until after 9:00. I'd worked all day...was tired, etc. I could have easily decided not to go. But, I had signed up and I was curious.
I haven't had a week-long break from yoga since February or March, and last night marked a week and a day. I wondered what it would be like to get back on my mat. I wondered if I had lost any poses. It was a pleasant surprise that I moved into the poses easily and was able to go deeper than before my break. I wonder if that is a mental breakthrough or a physical one. I was happy with my practice. I was happy with the Christmas music. Now I'm seriously thinking about a tree. Or maybe a wreath.

Here it is the 5th and there are only 20 days left until the big day.
To get in the spirit (in more ways than one), I went to yoga last night. It was a "special" session not at my regular studio. You may have guessed from the top photo that we did yoga to the music of The Nutcracker.
I did not know what to expect. Our teacher was fun, wearing her pointe ballet shoes. She did a few downward dogs with them while on pointe which was pretty impressive. Our class began and ended with Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite. It was a whimsical practice. I hadn't really spent time with just the music before. Flowing to the music I remembered why I love it. I actually love it more (now) without the visual of a ballet. Last night the music filled me and I didn't want to see someone else's interpretation.
It was a good practice, a full 90 minutes with a sweet Shavasana at the end. I'm proud of myself for actually going. It was not didn't start until 7:00 which meant not getting home until after 9:00. I'd worked all day...was tired, etc. I could have easily decided not to go. But, I had signed up and I was curious.
I haven't had a week-long break from yoga since February or March, and last night marked a week and a day. I wondered what it would be like to get back on my mat. I wondered if I had lost any poses. It was a pleasant surprise that I moved into the poses easily and was able to go deeper than before my break. I wonder if that is a mental breakthrough or a physical one. I was happy with my practice. I was happy with the Christmas music. Now I'm seriously thinking about a tree. Or maybe a wreath.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Happy Almost Winter
The Holiday Season is HERE! How is it that I'm not prepared? I had a nice four-day weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving and my Daughter's birthday. Sissy's birthday was yesterday! LOVE! My cousin's birthday is on the 21st. All wonderful winter celebrations.
I think of the Christmas season as coinciding with winter. I love to enjoy a cozy fire and a cup of tea when it's cold outside. Of course, I know that winter doesn't officially start until the 21st, but if you are from a state with four know what I mean.
This year Thanksgiving was spent traveling to Wilmington to see our girl. I took my box of Christmas cards to write...but didn't write them. The cards are super cute, though.
Getting back to work after the Thanksgiving travel makes it tougher to actually do the Christmas decorating thing. Although, that's really not a very good excuse. I really haven't figured out how I want to decorate.
A big reason I haven't really started to cozy up for winter is that our temperatures are really incredibly mild. The past weekend we had temperatures in the 70s. This was delightful for spending time walking around downtown. Look what this week's highs are.
Don't get me wrong, I am not wishing for ice or snow or even freezing temperatures. I'm actually quite happy with these mild ones. I'm just noticing that it's different.
So, regardless of the weather...I'm preparing for the Happiest Winter!
Monday, November 30, 2015
Birthday Girl
We just spent the day with my girl! She is just so much fun.
Jordan and I are just so proud of her.
I'm sharing a Birthday photo to remember the day. ~We just love her.
Jordan and I are just so proud of her.
I'm sharing a Birthday photo to remember the day. ~We just love her.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
New Book: The Homemade Kitchen
I'm trying to get/stay inspired. ~I'm hoping to become so inspired that home cooking becomes part of our "normal". As much as I love kitchen appliances and gadgets, I am surprised that I'm not a cook. When I was growing up I was a fairly good baker. I liked trying new recipes that I found in my mother's magazines.
Alas, I have not fulfilled any potential of becoming a cook. I wonder why that is.
Sure, I know how to make spaghetti; you know, boil the noodles and warm the Ragu. I have a friend who doesn't give me credit for cooking when I make my spaghetti. She always looks at me incredulously and says, "You cooked? Or did you heat?" I'm still working my mind around what the difference is. I told her that if my stove, oven or microwave is turned on, it's cooking.
Whenever I want to teach myself to cook I look to books (of course). The thing is, many of the beautiful books have way too many ingredients. Seriously! Others have beautiful photographs of things that I would never actually make.
I'm guessing you have guessed that my newest book is The Homemade Kitchen: Recipes for Cooking with Pleasure
by Alana Chernila.
I really have enjoyed this book. You're probably wondering if I've used any of the recipes. The answer is not yet. But I will. I'm taking baby steps.
One of the things I enjoyed about this book is the author shares her personal stories of being in the kitchen. In her very first paragraph, I knew I was reading a book by someone that "gets me".
Alas, I have not fulfilled any potential of becoming a cook. I wonder why that is.
Sure, I know how to make spaghetti; you know, boil the noodles and warm the Ragu. I have a friend who doesn't give me credit for cooking when I make my spaghetti. She always looks at me incredulously and says, "You cooked? Or did you heat?" I'm still working my mind around what the difference is. I told her that if my stove, oven or microwave is turned on, it's cooking.

I'm guessing you have guessed that my newest book is The Homemade Kitchen: Recipes for Cooking with Pleasure
I really have enjoyed this book. You're probably wondering if I've used any of the recipes. The answer is not yet. But I will. I'm taking baby steps.
One of the things I enjoyed about this book is the author shares her personal stories of being in the kitchen. In her very first paragraph, I knew I was reading a book by someone that "gets me".
The world of home cooking can be a challenge to navigate. On one side, we're encouraged to eat real food, cooked at home and blissfully enjoyed....On the other hand, all this focus on the redemptive power of home cooking can feel oppressive and judgmental.
So with that kind of honesty, she goes on to say that sometimes she doesn't want to cook either. Though, on the whole, Alana finds something akin to zen in the act of cooking. ~This may sound cliche, like "chop wood, carry water", but Alana's explanation is so simple and so real.
For me, the kitchen is the place where I get to have problems with easy solutions. There are enough problems with hard or no solutions elsewhere in the house and beyond, so I take the easy ones where I can get them.
The first chapter, Be a Beginner, is really encouraging, with a reminder that "Homemade food is the opposite of perfection." She tells us to "Take a deep breath and remember that we are all beginners. It only gets harder when we try to prove otherwise."
So, what about the actual recipes? Well, there are a few that I will absolutely try. A few are Stuffed Winter Squash, Easy Coq Au Vin, and Rhubarb Snacking Cake.
If I remember, I'll share how the dishes turn out. Give it time, though, I'm no Julie or Julia.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Sometimes it's hard to know how we, as individuals, how I, as an individual, should react when incomprehensible, horrific events take place. It's natural to be frightened when we are reminded that life is unpredictable. Worse, I think, is being faced with the cold fact that there are people that mean harm to others.
There is heartbreak over the Paris attacks. Heartbreak for the Mali hostage taking. Heartbreak for Boston's 2013 Marathon. Heartbreak for the Twin Towers.
These are the horrors of current history, current news. Yet, for many of us, life keeps going.
Sometimes I wonder how that is. Something terrible happens several time zones away and my world is relatively unchanged. If I didn't pay attention (listen to the radio, read the news...etc.) I would not know that life is, in fact, drastically altered.
I don't want to ignore that there are other just as important battles being fought with as much fear, hatred, anger and hurt as the ones we label terrorists. It is incomprehensible.
How should "we" react? How should I alter my actions to mirror my heart? I do not have these answers, but I am seeking them.
I find healing in my faith. I find calm on my mat. I find both become stronger through practice. Through practice, I find peace. In peace, I find serenity. In serenity, I feel joy.
There is heartbreak over the Paris attacks. Heartbreak for the Mali hostage taking. Heartbreak for Boston's 2013 Marathon. Heartbreak for the Twin Towers.
These are the horrors of current history, current news. Yet, for many of us, life keeps going.
Sometimes I wonder how that is. Something terrible happens several time zones away and my world is relatively unchanged. If I didn't pay attention (listen to the radio, read the news...etc.) I would not know that life is, in fact, drastically altered.
I don't want to ignore that there are other just as important battles being fought with as much fear, hatred, anger and hurt as the ones we label terrorists. It is incomprehensible.
How should "we" react? How should I alter my actions to mirror my heart? I do not have these answers, but I am seeking them.
I find healing in my faith. I find calm on my mat. I find both become stronger through practice. Through practice, I find peace. In peace, I find serenity. In serenity, I feel joy.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
A Little Jacob Cuteness
I love to watch a sleeping dog. Jacob is not quite asleep, but the ZZZs are not long away. One of Jacob's favorite places to nap is snuggled up against my leg as we sit on the couch. Sometimes the power of suggestion is too much for me...and I snuggle in for a nap as well.
So, this is just a short little post to share some Jacob cuteness and celebrate snuggles and naps.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
What I've Been Doing
A View of My Porch |
I thought I would stop by this little place on the web to say "hello". I've opened this blog of mine every night this week and ended up becoming distracted by all the things to look at on the net. Today I spent way too much time organizing my Pinterest Boards. Yes, I actually organized the boards like it was very important. Which, in my is important. If I have everything pinned randomly then how will I ever find anything? Finding virtual things can take more time than finding physical things.
I've also been reading...I know, I know, I've written more "What I've Been Reading" posts than "What I've Been Doing" posts. So, I will share a little about what I've been doing. I've been doing lots and lots of yoga. I practiced over 22 hours of yoga in October and 20 hours in September. Tracking my practice helps me stay accountable to myself.
I am stronger than I was in January. My breathing is improved as well (asthma). The thing that is perhaps most surprising (to me) is the emotional benefits. I think everyone knows about exercise endorphins, but it's more than that. I feel much more centered and calm after yoga.
My mind is completely in the moment while I'm practicing. My only thoughts during the practice are about the pose. Though, sometimes I think "Dang it's hot", I consider that still "staying in the moment". The final pose of our practice is Savasana which is restorative. The combination of physical exertion and meditative savasana brings ease to my mind. It centers me and reminds me that worry is not necessary or even helpful. Everything has its time. It truly is okay to let go of thoughts and worries and put them aside until it's time to work on them.
So, that's what I've been doing.
Until Next Time,
I am stronger than I was in January. My breathing is improved as well (asthma). The thing that is perhaps most surprising (to me) is the emotional benefits. I think everyone knows about exercise endorphins, but it's more than that. I feel much more centered and calm after yoga.
My mind is completely in the moment while I'm practicing. My only thoughts during the practice are about the pose. Though, sometimes I think "Dang it's hot", I consider that still "staying in the moment". The final pose of our practice is Savasana which is restorative. The combination of physical exertion and meditative savasana brings ease to my mind. It centers me and reminds me that worry is not necessary or even helpful. Everything has its time. It truly is okay to let go of thoughts and worries and put them aside until it's time to work on them.
So, that's what I've been doing.
Until Next Time,
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Mindy, Mindy, Mindy
Remember my vacation was none other than Mindy Kaling's first book. I was excited to see a new book was coming out. --Look at the lovely cover. A couple of weeks ago I read Mindy's new book: Why Not Me?
It's taken me a while to actually write my review and this is why. I love Mindy. I mean I feel like I know her. She is funny and irreverent and she is not afraid to call BS. So many things I love and admire about her.
As much as I loved her first book, this one didn't move me quite as much. It wasn't quite as compelling. What I loved about her first book is that it felt more like a memoir. She shared stories about middle school friendships. Being part of a group and ultimately choosing to be true to herself and her BFF. She tells us what connected them. We see clues to the future comic writer that Mindy becomes.
This book is more a set of essays that center around more current life events such as working as a writer on The Office and then getting her own show. The snippets she shares about how she chose to develop the characters on The Mindy Project are interesting. Though the essays that talk about "what it's like to be a celebrity" are not nearly as engaging. She is certainly funny and even self-deprecating, but the essays aren't nearly as personal or intimate.
If you like Mindy, you'll find the book worth your time. Her unique voice comes through. I'm glad I read it.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
It's taken me a while to actually write my review and this is why. I love Mindy. I mean I feel like I know her. She is funny and irreverent and she is not afraid to call BS. So many things I love and admire about her.
As much as I loved her first book, this one didn't move me quite as much. It wasn't quite as compelling. What I loved about her first book is that it felt more like a memoir. She shared stories about middle school friendships. Being part of a group and ultimately choosing to be true to herself and her BFF. She tells us what connected them. We see clues to the future comic writer that Mindy becomes.
This book is more a set of essays that center around more current life events such as working as a writer on The Office and then getting her own show. The snippets she shares about how she chose to develop the characters on The Mindy Project are interesting. Though the essays that talk about "what it's like to be a celebrity" are not nearly as engaging. She is certainly funny and even self-deprecating, but the essays aren't nearly as personal or intimate.
If you like Mindy, you'll find the book worth your time. Her unique voice comes through. I'm glad I read it.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Coffee at Cocoa Cinnamon
Long time no post...and I feel the need to apologize or explain...which is silly. I write this mainly as a memoir for myself. I like the space and the voice that it gives me. The blog is certainly not a journal, although I have kept journals in the past. My journal entries meander and often forget to come to a point or conclusion. My favorite journals are the ones I kept while traveling. I recently dug one out to remind myself of a few things. I am so thankful for my words because they transported me back to that place and time. I plan on sharing some of that trip here...soon.
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At Cocoa Cinnamon - Durham |
We walked to Cocoa Cinnamon, a cool small coffee shop with signature coffees that include things like black lava salt or cayenne pepper. I wasn't brave enough for the pepper or the salt, but I did have a latte with blackstrap molasses. It turns out that blackstrap molasses are NOT sweet. --Surprise.
Durham has some pockets of coolness. I have not discovered all of them. The downtown area is becoming revitalized with new construction (read: Apartments, Condos, Office Buildings...High-End loft type spaces). But the edges of the area are making good use of what we used to call old (sometimes abandoned) now considered historic buildings. I have a real appreciation for these buildings and spaces. I love that new life is being poured into them. Like a good pair of jeans, the area feels grown into to...softened and more comfortable than new.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
I read about Mars...I liked it
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"The Martian 2014" Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia. |
The biggest surprise about this book? I LOVED IT!
I knew when I started the book that it was being made into a movie, with Matt Damon. Before I read the book I thought, "that's a Matt Damon movie I don't plan to see." You know, Mars? I couldn't see the appeal.
I read the first chapter before choosing the book and was hooked. The book starts out with:
I'm pretty much @*!#ed. That's my considered opinion. @*!#ed.Those are the first words of astronaut Mark Watney. Resist reading I could not. See what I did there? Yoda speak.
Six days into what should be the greatest two months of my life, and it's turned into a nightmare.
The story pulled me in. Weir deserves a lot of credit for writing a sciency, techie story that doesn't read like gibberish. I read it within the span of a single weekend. As I immersed myself in Watney's world I was immersed on Mars. Let me just say, Watney is crazy smart. That's part of what was so engaging. With each of Watney's innovated solutions for survival, I felt myself getting an "AHA" moment. Thoughts of *hand slap to forehead* "of course that's what you should do!"
Let me also say that the book has hold your breath suspense. I totally believed every premise in the book.
PLOT TWIST: I'm totally going to see the movie.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Yoga...Upside Down
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My 2nd Aerial Class |
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2nd Inversion in My 2nd Class |

In that first class, I was the ONLY student! Seriously! How lucky is that? A personal one-on-one aerial yoga session for my first time. It was intimidating and wonderful and exhausting.
I'm glad I went and I'm glad I went back.
Until next time!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
In a World of Eagles, I'd Rather be a Duck
I found this site that you can create photo collages, etc. that I used to create the one below. The picture is a stock photo and I added the chirpy snippet. The truth is...that most of the time, I don't like chirpy. Don't get me wrong, I like happy. I like funny and I like joy. But chirpy? Not so much.
I really have to keep this side of me in check. If I were to roll my eyes at cheesy platitudes, I would definitely end up offending someone who finds them inspiring.You know all those "You can be successful" books. Yeah, I'm not a fan. And the posters? Please.
But what I find very true are the things from Despair, Inc. {Note: This is not a sponsored post. But I will be sending a tweet out to the company to see if my praises deserve, I don't know...a Not a Pat on the Back.}
If you've ever worked in an office where the culture is just a little too cultish, you probably get what I love about the poster above.
I'm lucky that I love what I do and enjoy who I work for. I've worked for two companies in the past that I also really liked...but their staff meetings did sound a lot like "Go out there and win one for the Gipper!" A little much, right?
Let's remember my personality is INFJ. I know I can't be alone when my thoughts are "Please let me go back to work now."
I've recently read a've probably heard of it: Raving Fans. It was published in 1993 so I don't know how I missed it. The subtitle is The Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service. Anyway, the book is still getting praises. Which, between you and me, I don't get.
First of all, it's told in allegory/parable form. I guess that was a thing in the '90s. I find that if you can tell a good story in a parable it would make an even better one-page memo. But that's just me.
I have to be open to the fact that others may prefer the parable. So, okay, I get it.
But then I came across this: outrageous quote:
“Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don’t be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.” {RAVING FANS}That quote outrages me. Really, I'm not kidding.
And I am shocked that there are business blogs and books devoted to this idea: Duck= Bad; Eagle = Good.
What bothers me is that a person can write a motivational book and use an analogy that is so utterly wrong!
Ducks quacking is NOT complaining. Ducks are communal. Quacking is communication. You know? Feedback. Ducks are exactly what an empathetic company should aspire to be. Communal and caring enough to communicate.
By comparison, eagles are solitary and though beautiful and majestic, are predators. They hunt and feed on other animals.
In a business analogy, an eagle thrives by #1 Identifying animals over which they have significant advantages (sight and speed). #2 Seeking out the weaker animals. #3 Killing the cute little bunnies.
Though I gotta say, I don't think that's good PR or customer service.
So, if someone wants to call me a duck instead of an eagle, I say THANK YOU! And, do you want to join us? We're having so much fun.
Until next time,

Saturday, August 8, 2015
Today's oatmeal was special. We got lucky because we were seated in Terri's section. When we ordered I asked if we could have our oatmeal before the rest of the food was ready. --Oatmeal really is better hot, but so are eggs, hence the conundrum. Terri totally understood. She asked if we wanted brown sugar (yes), cream (yes), and butter. This was the second time someone offered butter with oatmeal. I'd never heard of it (before last week). So, I confessed that I've never had butter in my oatmeal. I don't get it. Do you put it in the oatmeal instead of cream and sugar? Sort of like hot tea is either with cream or with lemon. Terri was great. She totally recommends a little butter and real cream. She's from Vermont, she tells us. Maybe that's why I'd never heard of the butter in oatmeal before. Maybe it's something you do in the Northeast.
Okay, here's the thing, I used a little butter, and then I poured in the cream. It was cream, not milk, and it was beautiful. I don't know if it was the butter or the cream, but when I put in just a little brown sugar it was heaven in a bowl.
What a great way to start our day. Something so cozy and sweet. We are ready to usher in cooler weather. School starts soon, which makes me think (if not feel) like Autumn is upon us. Cooler weather calls for warm cereal, hot coffee, and bulky socks.
The oatmeal has come back to my thoughts throughout the day. Flashes of memories have filled my heart.
One of my friends' grandfather was known to like his oatmeal cold. I learned the story during the summer I spent with her and her family. We traveled from NC to Nova Scotia, stopping in PA to pick up Uncle Bill (brother to said grandfather). We'd split up for breakfast and met back at the van to continue the trip. Uncle Bill told us he had oatmeal at the diner counter down the street.
Cashier: "How was everything?"
Uncle Bill: "My brother would have loved that oatmeal!"
Cashier: "Oh, I'm glad you liked it."
Uncle Bill: "I didn't like it. My brother would have liked it. He likes his oatmeal stone cold."
Bam! They had just been schooled.
In case you are curious (like I was), when he was a boy, grandfather defiantly refused to eat his oatmeal because he didn't like it. His mother wasn't having it. When the next meal time came, grandfather was presented with the bowl of oatmeal that he had not eaten that morning. He was stubborn and wouldn't eat it. But at some point (I don't know how many meals), grandfather ate the cold oatmeal. The next morning he was served hot oatmeal, like his brother. Grandfather again refused to eat it. So, the oatmeal waited and was represented each meal until Grandfather ate. This happened enough times that grandfather grew to like cold oatmeal.
Uncle Bill tells that story twice. Once in the van when I was too curious to wait and the second time when he told his brother about the diner encounter. It was Uncle Bill's tribute to his brother's stubbornness. There seemed to be a bit of admiration there.
I loved, loved that summer!
Hope your weekend is great!
p.s. Have you ever had butter in your oatmeal?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Wilmington Tour
It's not hard to guess who one of my favorite people is. (Bad grammar?) It is, of course, Danielle. She also just happens to be my daughter. I know all Moms love their kids and such. But favorite peep goes beyond the mother-daughter thing. Danielle makes me laugh so easily. And it's the hearty, can't catch my breath, tears in my eyes laugh.
This was our first visit to see her new apartment.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Spending the 4th in Wilmington
I've just come back from my second Airbnb experience. Being in someones's home is a very different experience from the typical hotel room. Decor and home personality are part of what I enjoy about the experience.
Monday, June 29, 2015
What I've Been Reading: The Book of Joan
I recently finished Melissa Rivers' book, The Book of Joan.
Joan Rivers was such an icon. So many people felt like they knew her. Her edgy humor and "Can We Talk" catch phrase made her comedy feel like a conversation.
Melissa Rivers wrote a sweet and fun (and funny) tribute to her mother and she and her publisher timed the release to be just before Mother's Day.
As soon as I saw the book I knew I wanted to read it. I wasn't sure what to expect. The answer is that this is not a pure biography as much as it is a memoir. It's Melissa's memories of her life with her mother. Melissa also includes some background that she gleaned from relatives.
Melissa Rivers' book is a celebration of her relationship with mother. The best parts are when Melissa shares the "Oh Mother!" types of moments that every daughter understands. And Melissa writes about these "can you believe this?" moments with the humor of a friend telling you about what they've been dealing with.
My absolute favorite story is: Joan being pulled over for traffic violation and her trying to explain what happened to the police. Even funnier, Joan called her assistant and made her swear not to tell Melissa about the incident. The secret would have been safe if not for CNN covering the story before breakfast.
The book is a really fun and easy read.
Yesterday I had sort of an epiphany. It happened while I was driving and when it happened I was like "Ahhh. I need to write about this." I felt sagely wise for a moment. I sort of knew as I tried to hang onto the thought that it would likely fade. It has been more than 24 hours since this moment of lucidity occurred, so we will see if I can re-capture the gist of it.
It all comes back to yoga, sort of. Over the past month, I've woken up naturally at my "usual" time on Saturday. I've used that as a motivation to get moving early and I've been going to the 8:00 yoga class. Amazingly, I've been able to do that. I can't get anywhere at 8:00...but somehow I've been getting to yoga.
Yesterday was an exception. I slept in. Not because I willed myself to stay in bed but because I was asleep like a rock. I didn't hear my normal clock alarm. I didn't hear my dog asking to go outside. Nothing...just sleep. It was pretty nice and I must have needed it.
When I did get up, Jordan and I went out for a late breakfast and it was a nice slow relaxing Saturday. The only thing on my agenda was a 7:00 Girl's Night Out with "my girls". I love those! At around 3:00 I'm thinking, I need to decide what I'm going to do before getting ready for the evening out on the town. Did I want a nap? If so, I had better get started on the zzzs. But, I decided to check to see if my backup yoga studio had a class that would work for me. They did, and it started in 30 minutes. That is usually how long it takes to get there. If I decided to go I knew I was cutting it close.
For a moment I sat there evaluating the likelihood of making it there before the doors were locked. If it was clear that I couldn't make it, I wouldn't attempt it. But it wasn't clear. It was possible I would make it. It was equally possible that I wouldn't. What was clear was that if I didn't get moving, like immediately, I would eliminate any chance of making it.
Act IIYesterday was an exception. I slept in. Not because I willed myself to stay in bed but because I was asleep like a rock. I didn't hear my normal clock alarm. I didn't hear my dog asking to go outside. Nothing...just sleep. It was pretty nice and I must have needed it.
When I did get up, Jordan and I went out for a late breakfast and it was a nice slow relaxing Saturday. The only thing on my agenda was a 7:00 Girl's Night Out with "my girls". I love those! At around 3:00 I'm thinking, I need to decide what I'm going to do before getting ready for the evening out on the town. Did I want a nap? If so, I had better get started on the zzzs. But, I decided to check to see if my backup yoga studio had a class that would work for me. They did, and it started in 30 minutes. That is usually how long it takes to get there. If I decided to go I knew I was cutting it close.
For a moment I sat there evaluating the likelihood of making it there before the doors were locked. If it was clear that I couldn't make it, I wouldn't attempt it. But it wasn't clear. It was possible I would make it. It was equally possible that I wouldn't. What was clear was that if I didn't get moving, like immediately, I would eliminate any chance of making it.
I made my superman like change into the yoga outfit (cute...not). And left for the class. I'm driving and it's all going smoothly. I'm hitting all green lights and I'm thinking: "Yeah...I'm gonna make it."
Just as soon as I acknowledged that I was excited to be able to "make it", a thunderstorm dropped out of the sky! As if from nowhere! The kind where you can't see and you hope the cars behind you can see you.
So then I'm thinking...I don't know if I'm going to make it. I even say to myself: "I don't know if I'm going to make it," and I heard myself whisper back, "Just keep going."
Just Keep Going
This was an interesting mind shift for me. I was choosing to "just keep going" even though there was a very strong likelihood that I would not make it in time. I can't remember a time when I consciously chose to RISK wasting my time.
Time is a big deal to me. I covet time. I'm jealous of my time, especially my me time. So, here I was just "keeping going".
It was a nice relief that I felt. A calm mind like I get after yoga. And I thought for a moment: "Yes...that's what I'm supposed to do. Just keep going. Even when I don't know if my expectations will be met."
There's a certain faith that comes with that idea. Faith that "It's going to be okay." I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not allowing my doubt to make me deviate from the act of trying to go to yoga. And...if I abandoned the trek to get there, I would never know if I could have made it. The ONLY way to know was to "Just Keep Going." See? Sagely!
And because I was all zen in the car I thought this applies to my faith in God. And it reminds me of Kierkegaard's "Fear and Trembling". The moving forward even when you are "not quite sure" that you got the message/instructions right. You know? You're pretty sure...but there's always that chance that what you thought was a "Go West" instruction could have been a "Go Rest" edict.
When I think I'm going in the right direction but I'm not seeing results I start to second guess the "rightness" of what I'm doing.
Yesterday, for those few moments in the car, I was open to being "wrong". Knowing that if I was too late for the class it was not the end of the world. And somehow knowing that "just keep going" was a sort of practice for me. That I don't have to know if it's going to "work out". It's absolutely OKAY for me to pursue futileness.
And so, I drove on.
I made it to yoga.
Here's a little note about hot yoga: It's 105*F and 40% humidity.
Hope your weekend was Easy Like Sunday Morning. Mine was. And yet it was also so much more.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
I've been deepening my yoga that, I mean that I've been going to the yoga studio. Last week I spent seven hours in yoga. I feel so much happier after a hot yoga session.
I oscillate between simply owning and loving my workout practice and falling into the results-driven obsession. Today, before going to yoga, I felt a little discouraged. I haven't weighed myself for almost six weeks until today. I wanted to focus on the "process" of getting healthy/ more fit. My thought was if I commit to doing "the right things" the "right" results will follow. So, I decided that today would be my "check-in" day.
My result was that my weight is exactly the same weight as it was six weeks ago. I was disappointed because I know I've made changes in my body. My legs are stronger, my arms are getting stronger. I feel like my body is responding to the workouts. But the scales verified what I suspected...that my weight has not moved.
So, I wanted to pout just a little. "Look at me...I'm working so hard and...nothing". These are my thoughts.
Then my optimistic voice (sometimes annoyingly optimistic) tried to remind me of things that I usually believe to be true, such as:
*Health / Fitness is measured in a variety of ways. The scale cannot be the only measurement that counts.*--See...annoyingly optimistic.
But it doesn't matter what my emotions are about the results. --That sounds like someone who just finished a yoga session. My teachers encourage us to "notice your thoughts...but let them go."
Tonight my teacher read this wonderful quote (below) that gave me the opportunity to focus my thoughts on something uplifting. This quote spoke to me.
This quote is from Williamson's book, A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. There is more to the thought that I've included below.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine... And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.The quote doesn't exactly tie into what I've been talking about. But it does give me something to hang on to.
Hope you are getting ready for a fun weekend.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
What I've Been Reading
I mentioned in my Cruise Thoughts post that I spent some time reading a book on the ship. I spent one of the late afternoons on the "secret deck" with a view of Cozumel and of the ocean with the nicest breeze. It was bliss.
I finally read Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I really can't explain how/why it took me so long to get this book. I knew I wanted to read it as soon as it hit the stores. [How in the world did it take me four years?]
Spoiler Alert: I loved the book.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Cruise Thoughts {Last One}
One thing I've never heard anyone tell you about a cruise is: If you have an interior room, like we did, when you turn off the lights it is completely dark. Completely!
What I learned from this is that a perfectly dark room makes for the BEST sleeping.
I should mention that by day two I was feeling the fatigue of travel. After all, just two days before we were at the airport at the unreasonable hour of 4:00 in the morning.
Interestingly, I was up and out before 8:00 a.m. each morning. That must happen when you have the best sleep in a perfectly dark room. That, and the promise of a hot breakfast in the dining room.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
HGTV Inspiration Plus: I've Designed Two Rooms
Last night I sort of binged watched "Love It or List It" on HGTV. I just love a good reveal. I'm especially focused on the show because this season is filmed in the Triangle, NC. One of my friends saw them filming a home in her neighborhood.

I've seen several of the local NC shows. I haven't been able to recognize the neighborhoods, which I think is by design. But I have recognized the skylines and the restaurants and bars where the homeowners meet with Hilary and David. That's fun.
HGTV is very inspiring. I'm sure I'm late to this, but this weekend I discovered a new obsession: Olioboard. It's fun. I "designed" two rooms. I'm pretty proud of my work. One thing I loved is that I can design and "see" a room without having to do any of the real work.
Playing with Olioboard is sort of like looking through decorating magazines or retail catalogs and cutting out photos for inspiration. When I was young I used to spend lots of time with the Sears Wish Book, cutting out things that I wanted. Olioboard is like a grown-up, electronic version of cutting out pictures from the Sears catalog.
It might be a little addicting.
Until next time!
Monday, June 8, 2015
Cruise Thoughts {# 3}
Here is a pic of the boat I took while waiting in line for food. I have to tell you that the sheer size of the vessel is quite impressive. It's like a small city on the boat. There are retail shops (pricey), and bars and a casino and restaurants and a spa. They have medical personnel there somewhere too.
The sliding doors going inside from the decks actually made a little "swoosh" sound when you entered. At least that is my memory of them.
At one point I thought, "Hey, this is just like being on the Star Ship Enterprise". I mean yeah, you are isolated in the middle of the sea (instead of in the middle of space) and yet, anything you can think of is still available.
Anything except good bottled water. Which is really what I needed to drink in the hot sun. I was struck by the fact that "free" unlimited tea and lemonade was available. For an extra few $$ you could also buy a "Bubbles" package which is unlimited soda.
But water? That you had to pay for every single time. When I got to our room there was a lovely large water sitting out for us and I was impressed at the hospitality of complimentary water in the room. --You may see where this is going…after I opened and drank some of the water I saw the $16 price tag. Oops.
Snorkelers just popped up! |
Me? I drank my single $16 bottle of water and lots and lots of lemonade.
Our first port of call was Key West and it was a lovely day for a beach wedding.
Our return time to the ship was 2:00 which did not leave enough time to explore. But I did snap these two pictures to get a flavor for the island.
I'm glad I got to spend a little time at Key West. I can see myself going back. I still need to see the six-toed cats.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Cruise Thoughts {# 2}
I haven't told you quite enough about the cruise. Oh I know I shared some first impressions but the trip needs more than that.
In addition to being a wedding celebration, it the trip was a family gathering of sorts, two families really. I am not a member of either family. The Bride and Groom families came from New Mexico and Detroit meeting each other for the first time on the cruise. Danielle knows both the Bride and Groom and by extension knows the Mother of the Bride and the Bride's brother.
Two Bridesmaids came in from New Mexico and the first night on the boat was the first time Danielle met them. Groomsmen came in from Detroit. No single person knew everyone until the first night. I was the only one that didn't know anyone.
And yet...I felt as if I knew the Bride for a year and the Groom for slightly less than that. Danielle and K. have a special bond, one that grew out of being in their early twenties and making their way in a new city on their own.
By extension, I felt like I knew K. before I even met her. And when I did meet her we embraced (and squealed a little). It was genuine affection that we both already had for each other. Meeting the Groom felt much the same. It felt perfectly natural to be attending their wedding.
For me, the trip was a really rich combination of activity balanced with my personal requirements for alone time. We all had dinner together in the dining room on the first two nights. I will tell you dinner was always lovely.
![]() |
Sunset on the First Night of the Cruise |
After dinner, the group splintered into smaller groups. By the end of dinner, I craved time to myself. One thing about me and "time to myself" is that I don't have to be alone or isolated to achieve the "me time". Maybe this is true for lots of people. I can spend an afternoon alone with a book on my front porch or I can be on a beach chair in the middle of the pool deck (actually not the middle, but you get what I'm saying). I can feel as refreshed on the pool deck as on my own private porch. I guess what I'm saying is I can achieve my bliss of alone time even when I'm not literally alone.
I also enjoy mixing in and out of the "party". One night I went to the much-hyped musical production in the theater. As far as I could gather there was no intermission and the show didn't captivate me enough to stay. So I quietly left. When you are there alone you can do that with no fuss.
Not ready to end my night out and about I looked for (and found) the karaoke bar. I knew this was what the younger crowd was planning to do and I happened to come in while they were there. So I spent time with the group until the karaoke was over. That's what I mean by mixing in and out of the party.
That is all for now. I will share the rest of my Cruise Thoughts next time.
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