I was torn when the playoffs included Seattle against Carolina. Since living in Seattle, I'm a diehard fan of the Seahawks. I don't think that will ever go away. But, this year Carolina has played spectacularly. It is a pure joy to watch the team play with such a sense of fun.
Of course, Peyton Manning is an icon. I don't think anyone could pull against him and his team. So, let me be clear. I am not pulling against Peyton. I am pulling for the Panthers.
Jordan just got back with our Super Bowl food. Our complex is having a Super Bowl party with food, but we want to watch the game in our own living room. That way if I get too excited and shout...(as is typical) I won't embarrass myself.
Jordan said that it was completely dead outside. No traffic and no one really insight, which makes sense because Super Bowl Sunday is sort of like a holiday. Restaurants are closing early and my yoga studio is not offering evening classes.
So in just a couple of hours, we'll be eating pizza and wings and watching football. What could be better?
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
P.S. The groundhog did NOT see his shadow. 2016 is going to be a great year.
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