Happy Weekend! I thought I would share some of my recommendations for fun things. If you want to see a funny movie. (And I mean really funny. So funny we still laughed the next day). Go see Hit & Run. Dax Shepard wrote and starred in this film. I didn't really know who he was until he was on Conan telling us what a kick a$$ movie this is. So, the next night...I had to go. It also stars his fiance, Kristen Bell. And, oh, Tom Arnold KILLS! Don't read any reviews. Try not to see any trailers. Just go into this movie completely cold and you will come out so happy. **I hope you tell me if you liked it.**

If you are in the mood for serious espionage and conspiracy theories, I also recommend The Bourne Legacy. Jeremy Renner is excellent. And Rachel Weisz is also great. If you like any of the Bourne movies, you will like this one too. My favorite Bourne movie, with Matt Damon, is the first one. I loved that the mystery unfolded for him as well as the viewer. Similar unfolding happens in this move. Well worth the price of a movie ticket.
If you would prefer to read a book, I have one to recommend as well. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
My Sister (the one that had the 4th of July gathering) was reading this book and mentioned it. She said she was completely into it. It's a mystery. It starts with a missing wife. Sissy said it didn't look too good for the husband... but that's all she had. I wanted to borrow it, but Sissy was horrified because Sis # 2 said something about reading the last few pages before starting the book. --I've done that before too....but not if I'm into the book. So, I read the book chronologically and it was hard to put down. {Thanks Sissy.}
And television? Yep, I have some recommendations there as well. Actually, TV is so much better without commercials. So, what Hubs and I have been doing is NOT watching TV in real time. Instead, we download from Netflix or buy the DVDs after the season is over. The cool thing about that is you can watch one episode right after another. LOVE IT.
We recently finished all three seasons of Justified. Timothy Olyphant plays Raylan Givens a modern-day U.S. Marshall. As a sort of punishment, he must work in the Lexington KY office to continue to be a marshal. He grew up in KY and is constantly dealing with both boyhood friends or rivals on the "shady side" of the law. Raylan reacts to the small town (small time?) criminals with a roll of the eye and a deep breath to say "do we really have to do this?
Favorite line so far: Raylan always wears his Stetson and he has the confidence to pull it off. Getting onto an elevator with a stranger, the stranger remarks: "Ain't much call for cowboys these days." Rayland doesn't miss a beat and says, "You'd be surprised."
When we had run out of Justified episodes we were left looking for good TV. We found it in Downton Abbey. The first season is a true lark. The second season is still good but has an overall tone of sadness. I love Maggie Smith in this. She has is so witty. You can't help but like her. Even when she is so comfortable being unlikable.
The last set of shows we've been watching is HBO's The News Room with Jeff Daniels. It's a good, witty, smart TV. Created by Aaron Sorkin, who created The West Wing similar topical current event discussion (dissection?) ensues.
I have to say, there is a little too much high volume passion (shouting) of "It is so important what we do here"...But overall, Jeff Daniels is likable (even when he doesn't want to be) and funny. And, of course, there are a few love stories intertwined.
Hope you are also enjoying good television (or a movie or a book).
I love Maggie Smith, too, and I have been wanting to see Downton Abbey. We watched Bernie last night starring Jack Black. It was creepily good!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I saw Jack Black promoting that movie. I bet it is good and creepy at the same time. And that fact that it is "true". Weird. I bet you will like Downton Abbey.
DeleteI really want to read Gone Girl. I've heard it's really good.
ReplyDeleteIt is soooo good. I was on the edge of my seat.
DeleteAnd now for a man's point of view: I totally agree with my wife - I would give top ratings to all of these. Actually I cannot rate Gone Girl, since I have not read it yet. I downloaded Gone Girl onto my new Kindle and I was about to start reading it when someone (hint: she writes a sassy blog and her first name is Kimberly) took over my Kindle so she could read a new novel (you guessed it, Gone Girl). Hit & Run was the most fun - it made me LOL, which is something I do not typically do at the cinema. Justified has the most developed and outrageous characters, but that is based on watching three seasons back to back with no commercials (the only way to watch TV without pulling your hair out over the frequent and extremely loud commercials - there should be a law against this type of torture), so it has an edge there. The latest Bourne Legacy offering has a consistent plot and tension level, but with a new face. If you liked the earlier offerings, then you will like this one. But I have to say that I think the first 30 minutes was my favorite part of the movie. Downton Abbey is an engaging step back in time. (Did they misspell downtown? It seems that the British are always a little off on their spelling and pronunciation. ;) It is interesting to watch the rich and the poor interact as they share the same house and as the world changes around them. The Newsroom had a few surprises for me, some of which had me shouting at the television as if the characters could hear me. Kimberly actually thought I was in danger of having a heart attack when she heard my reaction to a particular scene one evening. She was upstairs in bed while I was downstairs in the den and she came rushing out of the bedroom with her own shouts of concern about my welfare. There are very few TV shows that generate any significant audible response from me, so this series, just wrapping up the first season, is looking very promising. In summary, a very satisfying collection! Now if I can only get my Kindle back so I can read Gone Girl! ;)
ReplyDeleteBut your kindle is such a nice kindle. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you read Gone Girl like you were suppose to.... (Sissy's way! ;-) It was a great read. Can't wait for Downton Abbey season 3!!
ReplyDeleteI knew I would make you proud. :)
Deletethanks for linking up with Reading between the latte's! I've added your recommendation to my list :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and adding the book to your list. :)