Wednesday, July 11, 2012

They Can't ALL be Good Days Can They?

I found a new quote today and want to share it with you here. 

"And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."
-Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A Country
I'm super in love with this quote, and needed to hear it {read it} today. 

Let me explain: I had a hard day today. In fact, it's been a difficult week. I'm sure you know the kind of days I'm talking about. The kind where you work {in my case at a job I love} and things just don't go smoothly. That happens, right? Things don't go well ALL the time. And this week things just got the best of me. 

My lovely husband is so good at making me feel better. Last night when I was not feeling my normal self he said something like: "I'm sorry you are going through this..." And I stopped myself from wallowing. I said, "Yeah, a couple of sucky days...but I'm STILL as happy as I've ever been in my life." 

The few days that didn't go as smoothly as I would like...doesn't change the fact that I have a happy life. I have a loving Husband. I also have a delightful Daughter that I live close enough to be able to drop by so we can just hang out.  I am living in the same town {finally} with my Dad, Mamacita, and Sisters. There is so much about my life that offers pure joy and happiness. 

It's important for me to remember NOT to dwell on the single thing that didn't go well. Dwelling on the "one thing" only magnifies it. In reality, this is a very small piece of my life. Those things that I listed that give me joy?  Those are the things that matter.

Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, discovered Vonnegut's quote and explored it in her post, A quotation from Kurt Vonnegut.  Rubin says that Vonnegut's words are "wise advice backed by science".

Today when I was checking out my daughter's facebook page (yeah, we're that close), I saw this picture of her doggies. Let me just say...LOVE THEM!  Just looking at this pic makes me smile. Which reminds me that I'm happy.

I just simply had to share this cuteness with you. Next time I have a bad day...I'm going to take another look at this picture and maybe say:  "If that isn't nice, I don't know what is".


  1. Great post! I needed to read this today. It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful" Thanks for following...i am following back! :)

  2. Cute doggies! I read a quote on Facebook today that stuck with me. It read: "When we have negative thoughts, we produce toxic responses in our body that make us sick. Make a conscious effort to change your thought patterns for today for a healthier you tomorrow." I think if we can somehow focus on the positive, we'll feel better and better things will happen as a result. But, I know...easier said than done!

    1. Thanks for sharing this quote with me. I hadn't really thought about the thought/body response, but that makes perfect sense. :)

  3. Great post! Newest follower! Please follow back!?

    1. Thank you so much. I'll be jumping over to visit your blog soon. :)

  4. Ohhhh... love the happy vibe this emits. Thanks for this :)

  5. Thanks for sharing the quote! What a great phrase to keep in mind.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I found myself using this as a sort of mantra this weekend. It helped me stay focused on the present. :)

  6. your'e making me want to reread Vonnegut after all these years.

    1. I know what you mean. :) Thanks for coming to visit. :)

  7. Aww, your dogs are so cutie!

    1. Thanks! Doggie cuteness makes everything better. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Thanks for this post, I really needed it today! Stopping by from the blog hop and am a new follower:) Would if you would stop by Crazy Mama Drama.

    1. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. :) Stopping by your place in a sec.

  9. Yes, great thoughts for today and the future:) Just dropping in from Weekend Wanderings to meet and greet you. I am following via GFC and would to invite you to share any of your favorite posts at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop and also love for you to enter my first every giveaway:) Have a marvelous weekend!

    1. So glad you came by from the Weekend Wanderings. :) Thanks for the follow and letting me know about the Blog Hop & Giveaway. I'll be visiting your place soon. :)

  10. What a great quote! And it's so true, isn't it? So many people spend too much time focusing on the bad day they've had that they miss the wonderful night they could be having! Or, they're so down about a bad week at work that it ruins a perfectly good weekend! It's such a shame.

    I'm sorry you had a hard week, but I love your positive attitude about it!

    x Jasmine

    1. So glad you came by. :) You are right. I don't want to miss out on the "good stuff" 'cause I'm dwelling on the bad stuff.

  11. Great way to start off the week, definitely something to think about! My dad once shared a quote with me about happiness being 90% your attitude about what happens, rather than what actually happens... something like that. I had it up on my bulletin board at work for years. Not long enough to memorize it apparently, but the gist of it stayed with me. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I haven't had much time (any time??) for visiting blogs this summer, but glad I did this morning. It was nice to visit and see your blog. :-)

    1. I'm so glad you came by. :) I'm also glad you are almost? settled. I missed your blog. :)

  12. Sorry you had a rough day .... those are super cute puppies! Sometimes we all need to be reminded things aren't as bad as they seem, there are still good things in our life. Hope are you having a good weekend!

    1. You are right. When I get home, I have the most fun.

  13. Great advice! Sometimes we all just need to take a minute to think about all of the good things we have in our lives. I hope you're having a better week this week!

    1. I had a much better week this week. :) Gotta say I looked at the pic of dtr's doggies many times this week. It made me smile & kept me centered.

  14. I feel ya. I tell myself we can't always be happy, because then how will we know what happiness is when there isn't sad or boring days for us to treasure happy days even more? You gotta feel the range of emotions to appreciate the differences!

    1. You are so right. Thanks for coming by and commenting. :)


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