Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It Sure is Cold!

I thought I'd share another image of my NYC trip from last month. I was reading Inslee's post about NYC which made me nostalgic for my time there. That is until I read that the temperature is 10 degrees and with the windchill factor, it feels like 2 degrees. {2 degrees!!}  If you aren't familiar with Inslee you should totally check her out. She has amazing sketches!

Anyhoo, I'm here in NC. Or  NYC, sans the "Y". {I'm too tired to know if that is funny. My guess is no...but there it is.}

Did I tell you we had snow last week? Yeah, last Friday morning there was snow (and more importantly, ice) on the ground. Lots of traffic accidents were on my route to work. Which is why I waited until LATE morning to go in. I watched the traffic cams/internet traffic notices and waited until the accidents were cleared away. You already know I've been dealing with driver anxiety with this new commute. No way was I going to add ICE on the roads AND accidents in my path to my worries.

The snow was pretty much gone by the afternoon. But, there is still ice on the roads in the early mornings. This must be what my winter commute is going to look like.

The good news is that I discovered an entirely different route to take to work. One of the roads is just like new. It's so smooth. It's not a four-lane highway like I've been taking. The traffic is a little lighter and I haven't seen any eighteen wheeler trucks on this route. {This is day 2.} Have I mentioned how bad the roads are here? Oh, yeah, I guess I did. reiterate, the roads are bad. Lots of potholes of various sizes. I'm not sure what the real deal is on this. Once I was told that the holes are a result of the widely varying temperatures we have. The theory is that the expansion in the heat and the compression in the cold makes the asphalt ripe for potholes. My husband says that the more likely answer is that the roads just haven't been maintained and that there's like 10 years worth of wear and tear that simply hasn't been addressed.

But the good news is that my new route feels like driving on a brand new perfect road. {Happy dance.}

This morning when I went to work it was 18 degrees! Crazy!

For some reason, our garage door no longer opens when the temperatures get to freezing. Well, to clarify, it's the electric motor that doesn't work. The garage can be opened manually (by disengaging it from the automatic garage opener thingie). The problem is when we open the garage manually the door does not lock into the up position. The door doesn't stay open so we can actually pull the car out of the garage. The last time this happened I had to stand underneath the garage door, holding the door up with my hands stretched as far above my head as I could. I did this while the Hubster pulled the car out.

But, that is nowhere near as funny as how the Hubs handled it today. He was in the garage and I was outside (I park outside now). I walked to the garage door because I could hear him tinkering. I asked..."Do I need to hold the door up?" He replied, "No, I've got a ladder".

So, I was thinking he was going to use the ladder to do some sort of maneuver to lock the door in the up position. Never did I imagine that he was going to use the ladder itself to prop the door open. {Gotta love the man with a plan!}


  1. I have a picture just like yours with my children in the letters. Great fun.

    1. That is so cool. I thought I remembered seeing these letters in Philadelphia. I was surprised to find them in NYC. I snapped these pics as a spectator. :)

  2. HAHA sounds like a move (ladder holding up the garage door) I would do! And as much as I love snow and winter, I think its getting a little too cold for me! That week up in Buffalo was enough cold and snow for me! I'm ready for Spring now LOL

  3. Ugh! My heart tugs every time I read something about NYC. I need to get my butt up there again. And totally smooch my NY-born girlfriend in front of those letters. ;)

    1. Thanks for coming by my little place in the blogosphere. :)

  4. Ask me the weather...... (did you ask?)


    No, really, It IS cold.

    But I am enjoying reading through your blog, am glad I found you through the blog hop and am now following:)
    Her's hoping you stop by to say hi sometime.

  5. Hi Kimberly! Thanks for stopping by Seriously Kate.

    I would LOVE to visit NYC someday. AND truthfully, I love the cold and I like snow.. but 2 degrees is super cold might be out of my "love cold" zone. Below freezing, sunshine, and snow on the ground is amazing.

    Have a great rest of the week!

    Kate @

  6. Hey Kimberly, I love your pics from NY. We are on a little ski trip right now in W. VA and it got to 0% here yesterday. I am trying to stay inside as much as possible and just watch the snow, lol. Thanks for stopping in and following me. Have a great weekend, Helen

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. :) I hope you had an awesome ski trip.

  7. LOL! Well I suppose if the ladder does the job, then problem solved!

    1. Yeah...why get something repaired when you can just use a ladder. :)

  8. Thank you so much for coming by and commenting. :)


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