Sunday, May 13, 2012


The little cherub to the left is how I joined the Mother's Day Club. {This photo is the day we were leaving the hospital.} This was just the beginning of the motherhood adventure.  This little, little person has grown up to be a lovely young woman. And, yes, as her mother, I deserve ALL the credit. {Thank you...thank you very much.}

Of course, mother's day is not just about me.  It is a day where I can reflect on the Mothers I have been blessed with.

I am Margaret's firstborn.  This makes me the "good one".

I'm sitting here looking at pics of Mom and me {and my sisters}.  Of course, I am grateful to Mom for the gift she gave me!  Two wonderful sisters!  Mom gave me playmates! And women to share happy {and sometimes sad} times with.  I truly do love them.  {Thanks Mom}.

I have to smile. Thinking of Mom and our childhood has so many memories of love and laughter.

We were especially close to my Grandma Ethel. This is Dad's mother.  We lived very close to her and could walk to her house so easily. Grandma was the ultimate extrovert with the gift of hospitality. My daughter is so lucky that she got a chance to know her Great-Grandma. Just yesterday D & I were talking about Grandma. One of D's memories is that Grandma always seemed to know when we were coming for a visit. D. thought that was neat because Grandma always had homemade pound cake waiting for us when we arrived.

What D. didn't know is that Grandma made a pound cake every Friday. She always had her door open for anyone that wanted to drop by. And the pound cake was always ready to share with guests {both expected and unexpected}.

Many of my Sundays {after church} were having Sunday lunch at Grandma's. There was yummy fried chicken and fried potatoes and sweet ice tea. And of course, there was pound cake.

My celebration of mothers would not be complete if I didn't include Mamacita!  She has been in my life since I was a Freshman in college. She has such style and poise and I love her dearly. Mamacita was a high school English teacher.  I love English classes {creative writing, short stories, American Lit., etc.}  So, right away we had something in common--the love of the written word.

Mamacita was also the teacher behind the high school yearbook. She had so much energy and creativity. And she knew a thing or two about photography.  That was cool because I ended up dating {and marrying} a photography student.

I'm so happy that my Dad found such a wonderful woman. 'Cita has enriched my life {because it IS about me} and for that I am grateful.  {Thanks Dad}


  1. ahh, how sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. What a sweet post! Hope you enjoyed your day:)

    1. Thank you so much. :) It was a lovely mother's day. I just visited your blog and it is beautiful.

  3. You were lucky to have all these wonderful women in your life! I'm sure it's their inspiration that helped form you into the wonderful Mom that you are!! Danielle is an amazing young woman! She is so full of life but also giving and caring of others. I actually see some of your Grandma Daniels in Danielle in her determination and gusto!

    1. Thank you so much. :) I have been lucky. J. & I were talking about these amazing women in my life tonight at dinner. Of course, he never met Margaret, but he was able to know Grandma and Mamacita. :) So that makes him lucky too. It's fun watching Danielle evolve. She is sweet and caring and also strong. Probably stronger than she realizes.

  4. My granmother always makes pound cakes too. That sunday dinner sounds just like her!

    1. I love that you know what I enjoyed: Sunday Dinner and pound cake. :) Nothin' better.


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